Poskerjamedan.com. Lowongan Kerja Medan Terbaru Oktober - November 2015 di Batari School Medan. Batari school started as a preschool in 1995, locating at Jalan dr. Cipto No. 9 Medan, under the name “Batari Educare Center”. The center quickly matured into a full Kindergarten for children in 2006, following the addition of its Primary School in 2009. In August 2011, Batari School added a new school building at Jalan Sei Serayu No. 69. The new campus is located near the heart of Medan business center, directly in the middle of the bustling Setia Budi area and resides in a spacious campus.With its exceptional leadership team and highly qualified, experienced teachers who are dedicated, Batari has grown beyond expectation and is thriving with activities. Having started with a cohort of 80, Batari is now home to nearly 400 learners coming from a diverse of backgrounds. Currently, the school is on the way to start Junior High School.
Our school’s vision is to inspire a passion of learning. While raising students’ test scores is critical to Batari School, our vision encompasses so much more. Our schools are places where children are excited to learn, where they are nurtured by teachers who care for them, instruct them at the highest level and inspire them.Our mission is to provide a nurturing and stimulating educational environment for our students in which they achieve academic success, personal growth and become socially responsible and active global citizens with an appreciation of learning as a life-long process. We accomplish this through an international standard and national curriculum delivered by an enthusiastic and experienced faculty and staff in partnership with students, parents and guardians, in a caring and supportive community.
1. TEACHERS for English
- Male / Female
- Have excellent English language skills
- Minimum 2 years teaching experience in a recognized English Course / School.
- Have a pleasant personality
- Have the ability of working under pressure
- Responsible, energetic, able to work in a team, has a strong interest in teaching English for second language learning
2. Teachers for Mandarin:
- Male / Female
- Have good command of Chinese written and spoken
- Knows how to type and teach Han Yu Pin Yin
- Is used to teaching with creativity and lesson plans
- Loves teaching and being around kids
- Responsible, conscientious, energetic and able to work in a team.
Please send your complete application to our email :
hrdbatarischool@gmail.com or send
directly to
Batari School, Jl. Dr. Cipto No. 9 Medan
- Lamaran diterima selambat-lambatnya Tanggal 30 November 2015.
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